
Legal services are billed by hourly rate or by package pricing.  Below are the pricing methods which are most commonly implemented for various types of legal services.  Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss options for the billing or payment method for your matter.

Not sure if we are a good fit to assist you in your legal matter?  Schedule a free 10-minute telephone call to discuss your situation, or book an hour-long, in-depth consultation for a flat fee of $200.  Consultations are currently available only by video conference.

Consultation fees are waived for participating legal insurance members.  Check the specifics of your legal insurance for consultation benefits.

Payment plans are available for certain matters.  Rate adjustments may be available for clients qualifying under low income guidelines.

Payment is accepted by credit card or check made payable to “Aarons Law & Mediation.” Cash payments by prior arrangement only.

Individual representation, Collaborative Law Practice, and legal consultation services for family law and probate matters are billed at the rate of $400 per hour. 

Complex, convenience, out of state clients, or partnered legal services may be billed at the higher rate.  The applicable rate would be provided prior to engagement.

A retainer may be requested depending on the type of matter and associated court fees.  We can provide you with an estimate of time frame and cost once we discuss your situation.

Informal Probate pleading preparation for small estates (including court filing and publication fees totaling approx. $800) – $2,000


Mediation services are billed at a rate of $400 per hour, usually paid for equally by the clients unless otherwise agreed upon in advance.

Clients paying by credit card on file will not have an associated retainer.

Package Pricing

If your situation includes complex finances, or you will want financial support scenarios calculated, or your financial statements prepared for you, you may wish to consider the package pricing option of $5,000, which includes:

  • Up to 8 hours of mediation time (approx. four 2-hour individual or joint sessions);
  • Individual assistance from a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, who will prepare your Court Financial Statements for you and run financial support scenarios for comparison analysis and prepare an asset division spreadsheet;
  • Preparation of your Separation Agreement and one round of substantive revisions;
  • Preparation of all related Joint Petition forms needed for you to file your divorce.

Guardian for Waiver of Patient-Psychotherapist Privilege

Billed as a flat fee of $1,200 for up to four (4) participating children and professionals. The flat fee increases an additional $300 for each additional child or professional thereafter.

Guardian Ad Litem for Adoption

We accept GAL for adoption (birth family search) appointments, billed according to the Court Order.

For parties suffering from financial hardship, please contact us to discuss alternate payment arrangements or payment plans.  The usual hourly rates and flat fees apply for Court-appointed legal work unless the Court specifies that a particular hourly rate, flat fee, or cap for overall billing will apply, or the adjusted fees are agreed upon in advance.

The initial preparation of estate planning documents for basic estates is billed on a flat fee basis depending on what documents are being prepared:

  • Individual Estate Plan (no Trust): 1 Will, 1 HCP, 1 POA $1,000
  • Individual Estate Plan (1 Trust): 1 Will, 1 HCP, 1 POA, 1 Trust $2,000
  •  Couple Estate Plan (no Trust): 2 Wills, 2 HCP, 2 POA – $2,000
  •  Couple Estate Plan (w Trusts): 2 Wills, 2 HCP, 2 POA, 1-3 Trusts – $2,500-$4,000
    (depending on type and number of Trusts)

Each document is also available individually depending on client needs.

  • Will  – $750 each
  • Health Care Proxy (HCP) – $250 each
  • Power of Attorney (POA) – $250 each
  • Trust – $1,500 – $2,500 each depending on the type

Revision of estate planning documents we have previously prepared for you may be billed hourly or as a flat fee.  Please contact us for a quote.

More complex estate plans may be billed on an hourly basis rather than by flat fee.

We are part of the ARAG legal insurance network.  Please contact us to see how we can serve your legal needs under your legal insurance benefits.

“We would recommend Beth to friends or family looking for help with estate planning.  It may be relevant to note that we hired Beth using the ARAG legal benefit plan provided by my partner's employer, and it was very easy and seamless - she handled all the paperwork and interaction with ARAG, and billed them directly. We very much appreciated that, especially since it seems clear from the ARAG website that some attorneys make the clients do all that legwork." - Paulette

ARAG Legal Plans Accepted Here