Recent Posts by Beth Aarons

Should you Designate a Guardian in your Divorce Agreement?

Many divorcing parents put their estate planning issues on the back burner as part of their post-divorce “to do” list. Divorcing parents with minor children or children with special needs, however, may wish to include a guardian nomination provision within their divorce agreement. Guardian nomination provisions are not required by the Court as part of the divorce agreement, and are therefore seldom seen, but having the conversation prior to the divorce and memorializing the couple’s agreed-upon wishes is an easy way to protect the children from a potential nightmare down the road.
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What is the role of a Guardian Ad Litem?

Literally, a Guardian Ad Litem is a "guardian for the suit." The specific role of a Guardian Ad Litem in a case depends on the nature of the Court appointment. In the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court, Guardians Ad Litem are frequently appointed to investigate or evaluate a particular issue and report back to the…
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Choosing Guardians for Minor Children – Part 3: In the Context of Divorce

Sometimes my estate planning clients are divorced with minor children and are not on friendly terms with their former spouses. These are four frequently-asked questions about choosing guardians which arise in this context: “Do I have to name my former spouse as a guardian?” “Can my new spouse be appointed guardian?” “What if I have…
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